24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 18th March
John 13 vs
35.■”By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have ove for one another.”.”~《WEB》
As vital as prayer, fasting and fellowship is, Jesus didn’t use any as a yardstick to determine real disciples. He rather used LOVE as a metre to measure true disciples. *Love is as powerful as God Himself because God is love.* In our opening text, Jesus reveals that the amount of God’s love being expressed to the brethren or one another determines real disciples. Note from our focal text that He is not talking about “inside love” but love that can be seen by all men. Thus, there is a kind of love which is expressed both in words and deeds. Love has an attitude; love has a language.
You express love in your words by speaking truth to your neighbour. Also when your words are seasoned with salt and bring edification to others as stated “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer everyone “(Col 4:6). Ephesians 4:29 also affirms “You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear”. When you are wrapped in God’s love, you will always mind what you say, how you say it and when you say it. You don’t talk to people anyhow.
Jesus says if you keep on showing love among yourselves, then are you His disciples. Frankly, throughout the gospels and the acts of the Apostles, we saw them demonstrating love among the themselves. Speak the truth in love to one another. Don’t slander; refuse to backbite; Encourage one another; don’t pull anyone down to rise up for true disciples of Christ possess and exhibit persistent love even when it’s not convenient for them. For the love of God is shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_Ever-Loving Father, thank You for pouring Your love abroad in my heart to show to the brethren. I take advantage of Your love in my heart to love the disciples in word, truth and deeds. Thank You for empowering me to possess and show love for one another in Jesus Name Amen._
◇ Enjoy A Lovely Sunday ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray and thank God for the ability to love the brethren as Christ demands it._
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