24/7 DOXA Content, 3rd March-YOUR TRUE IDENTITY
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 3rd March
1 John 4 vs
»»17. ■”… just as Jesus is, so also are we in this world”.~《NET》
TO LIVE the Kingdom life and talk the Kingdom talk, you must first of all know certain realities about the Kingdom. You must have the revelation of what the kingdom is, who rules it and what principles govern it. Jesus is the ruler of this kingdom and He reveals to anyone who comes into it His or her real identity. He doesn’t want His brethren to be ignorant and live in bondage. It’s pathetic that many are ignorant of who they are in Christ and have subject themselves to the bondage of sin, sickness, poverty, failure, death, curses etc.
Therefore, He shows you who you are in the kingdom through His word so that you won’t live as a slave but rather as a son or daughter. His word cleanses (purifies) your total being, spirit, soul and body (John 15:3). And “if the Son therefore makes you free, you shall be free in deed (Jn 8:36). Beloved, there is an identity and a lifestyle for the believer. For instance in Matthew 5:13,14, He called the believing ones as “the light of the world and salt of the earth”. *You are light, so you represent a symbol of enlightenment and illumination to your world (Prov 4:18).* Also, He said you are “a city set of on a hill that can never be hidden” (Mt 5:14).
Dear friend, you are not in Christ to hide but to shine; keep shining for Jesus. Our opening text says, “As Jesus is so are we in this world”. Therefore you must live and represent Him as ambassador of Christ in word, thought and deeds. Thus your life should be consistent with His lifestyle. These and many others are the revelations of Jesus about you, the Church. You and I must stand in these revelations and exercise authority as kingdom citizens. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Lord for the revelations and divine truths about me. I am truly the light of the world and salt of the earth. I shine brighter in every sphere I find myself. I preserve and give sweet fragrance to the nations by the preaching of the gospel. I reign in all affairs of life in Jesus’ Name! Amen !_
◇ Enjoy A Gracious Saturday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit is helping you to live according to the identity in Christ.
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