24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 10th May
Hebrews 4 vs
12.■” For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart..~《KJV》
DO you know that God’s word has the ability to function in different realms. Thus, it has the ability to even penetrate every matter. For instance, Jesus released a curse to a fig tree (matter) through the power of His word (Mark 11:21). Our opening text unveils the revelation that God’s word being active, living and powerful is able to effect changes in our spirit, soul and body. Yes, God’s word is spiritual, but can penetrate different realms. First of all, it has a piercing power to divide asunder or separately, the soul and the spirit.
Yes, the soul is not the same as the spirit. We contact God with our spirit. But the soul is the seat for reasoning or thinking. And the mind belongs to the soulish realm. But God’s word is able to supply what the spirit and soul need for effective functioning. Thus, God’s operative word is able to cause the needed transformation to both your spirit and soul when you submit them to the word. This is why a person who doesn’t give attention to the word cannot live a glorious life. God’s word gives beauty and enlightenment to the spirit and the soul.
Also, the active word of God has the ability to act as a discerner of the intents (notions, motives, purposes, and conceptions ) of the heart. Yes, it judges right because it knows the intents of your heart. Moreover, the word of God can have a positive effect on your mortal body by offering divine healing to it (Romans 8:11). The Psalmist enjoins in Psalm 107:20 that God sent forth His word and healed all diseases. So you can release the power of God’s word in faith to cause changes or healings in your mortal body. Yes, it can serve a medicinal purpose as stated in Proverbs 3:8 “This will bring healing to your body, and refreshment to your bones.”
Since it is not man’s word or philosophies or wisdom, it should affect your spirit, soul and body positively. Therefore, Cherished one, don’t allow any demon or devil to oppress your spirit; Refuse to allow any man, theories or documentaries to bind or suppress your soul (mind); Give no place to sin, sickness and diseases to have “free show” on your body. For your body is the temple of God and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is absolute liberty of spirit, soul and body (2 Cor 3:16,17). Choose to apply the word to every realm for it can effect a total change. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious and Wonderful Father, I thank for the ability of Your word to cause a total transformation in my spirit, soul and body. I refuse to allow anything ungodly to dominate my life. By the power and operative force of Your word, I am able to serve You in absolute liberty of spirit, soul and body in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Triumphant Thursday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray, declare and prophesy the power of God’s word in every sphere of your life._
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