24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 22nd April
2 Timothy 3 vs
17■”That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” ~《KJV》
WHAT is the end product of the inspired scriptures being used profitably for sound doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness ? Our opening text unveils that it is for the thorough completeness and equipping of the saints. *Thus, anyone who humbly submits to the inspired Scriptures cannot help but become thoroughly equipped.* God’s word has a watering effect, which later produces a harvest effect (Isaiah 55:10,11).
The word has producing-capability. Adhering to the word brings a sense of competence in you as a minister of God. You are able to communicate divine truths in its entirety. With this, you can handle the word of God in excellence, not as a novice or mediocre. To be thoroughly furnished also means to be completely capable, equipped and shaped up for the tasks God has for you. Thus, to exhibit good works demands a life fully dedicated to God’s inspired word. His word becomes the basis for your empowerment to do good works. Your own strength can never accomplish this.
Cherished one, the inspired Scripture is meant to help you equipped in your character, attitudes, words, thinking pattern, finance, ministry, marriage, profession and your entire Christian life. Do you want to rightly divide the word of truth? Do you want to be thoroughly equipped unto all good works? Then humbly submit to the inspired word of God and walk in obedience to it in all dimensions (doctrine, reproof, correction, training). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious Father, I thank You for the ability of Your word to make me competent, capable and equipped unto all good works. I humbly receive much grace to submit and walk in obedience to Your inspired words in order to impact my world in Jesus Name. Amen !
◇ Enjoy A Beautiful Sunday ! ◇