24/7 DOXA Content, 27th May-THE JOY OF FAITH
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 27th May
Philippians 1 vs
25.■ “And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;”~《KJV》
CHERISHED ONE, another virtue to boost your faith life aside love and patience is joy. As a you walk this Christian life, the spirit of joy must flood your spirit and entire life. You can’t say you walk by faith and always show that in misery and sorrow. You show that in gladness of heart. Apostle Paul admonished the saints in our opening text that he loved to continue with them for their progress and joy of faith.
Thus, He was aware of the joy they manifest in the Christian faith and ready to help them advance in it. Beloved of God, a man of faith is a man of joy. Since he has put his “all in all” in God and His word, he has every course to rejoice for today and the future. It is written concerning our Lord Jesus that He endured the cross because of the joy that was set before him (Hebrews 12:2). As you walk in patience or endurance, set your heart for the joy in you and that to be revealed later in glory. When you think about the greatness and faithfulness of God concerning your life, it gives you a course to rejoice.
This virtue is part of the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22). Walk in faith attached with love, patience and joy. A Joyful life attracts souls into the kingdom. You have every reason to be joyful because your faith life will never fail but yield great results. Yes, rejoice because living by faith attracts rewards from God; and your labour of faith in Christ shall never be in vain (Hebrews 11:6;1 Cor 15:58). Refuse to be entangled by the pressures and challenges of this life; by virtue of the faith you have in Christ, rejoice evermore (1 Thess 5:16; Phil 4:4). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I walk in the joy of the Lord which infuses strength in me. I am glad about the promises and the faithfulness of God. I refuse to allow anything steal my joy of faith. My Father doesn’t fail, so I rejoice. I endure for the joy that’s set in me and before me. Hallelujah, I rejoice forevermore.
◇ Enjoy A Joyful Sunday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and declare the joy of the Lord all over your life.
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