Gospel XYZ

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24/7 DOXA Content, 23rd January-THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT


24/7 DOXA Content 2018

TUESDAY, 23rd January



Ephesians 6 vs
17.■”and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:-|KJV|

THE Spirit of God has a sword and it’s called the word of God. The sword is the armour that the soldier used to defensively fend off Satan’s attacks, and offensively help destroy the enemy’s strategies. It is the revealed truth of Scripture. Spiritual warfare is not a joke, so we don’t engage with the arm of the flesh, but by the mighty arm of God. The word of God is the whole counsel, wisdom, knowledge and might of God revealed in Christ. It is vital to note that the “word” here in Greek is “rhema” not logos.

Rhema is that word which is or has been uttered by the Living Voice to you, having definite meaning addressing specific situations. The rhema from God has the ability to combat every attack of the enemy. You need the sword the Spirit, because the word of God is _living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12). It is wise to rely on something living, active and powerful. Thus, God’s word is able to produce effective results. God’s word has total effect on your spirit, soul and body.
Cherished one, God’s word reveals His mind, ways, principles and heart to you. Through His word, we know the what and how of our lives. The key to success is to engage the revelation from God’s word to dominate any attack of the devil.God’s word is His report or verdict given on a matter. Rely on God’s word; Apply it; Live it; Speak it; for it’s a mighty armour that can serve different purposes. God’s word can be used as hammer (to break any shackles), as fire (to burn any evil passions) as a shield to protect you. Use the word in faith and your victory is always assured in Christ. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Faithful Father, thank You for given me the sword of the Spirit, which Your ever-living, powerful, active word. I believe, trust, rely, depend on Your word which is able to build me up and give me inheritance. The devil’s stronghold is forever broken by the efficacy of Your word in Jesus Name. Amen!
♡♡Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday !♡♡
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Pray that the revelations of God’s word would be your guide all the days of your life.
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