24/7 DOXA Content, 12th December-STEP UP ! YOU CAN BE AND DO MORE
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 12th December
2 Kings 13 vs
19. ¶And the man of God was angry with him and said, You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Syria until you had destroyed it. But now you shall strike Syria down only three times.~[AMPLIFIED]
THE last encounter of Prophet Elisha with the king of Israel before his death was very remarkable to note. The Syrians had attacked the Israelites and they needed total victory over them (vs 17 ). The Prophet gave specific instructions to the King as a emblem to smite the ground. He didn’t give him specific number but he became furious when he stroke only three times and stopped; even though the man of God didn’t tell him to stop striking. The king should have leaned on the instruction from the beginning to the end.
The prophet told him he should have smitten five or six times. That’s what the prophetic eye envisioned. The revelations here implies that, obey specific instructions from God’s servants. Besides, there is more you can be and do, no matter what you have done. Also, don’t stop at where you are. Keep striking till you hit your ordained goal. Thus, there is always a next level to go. The level you think you’ve reached is where somebody is starting and vice versa. Your exit point may be someone’s entrance point.
And your next great level in life depends on the amount of God’s Word you know and apply to your life. You can’t live above what you know. Consider Jesus’ encounter with Peter in Luke 5:4 “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught”. This was a prophetic instruction to Peter to catapult him to the next level. So whether he would remain at the same level or to the next depended on how he responded to Jesus’ word. Simon did and had a “bumper catch” that even broke the net (Luke 5 vs 6).
Peter went beyond his fishing experience and heeded to experience of the Living Word, Jesus. Beloved, maybe you are at where you are now because you trust in your own experiences too much more than God’s Word. You must know where your experience ends and heed to God’s word to step up. Peter launched into the deep to catch more, but the king had an average results. Precious one, you can be more than who you’re now. Yes, you can do more than what you’re doing. And you can have more than what you’re having only if you decide to step up higher. Remember, there is always a next level to go in life. Please step up! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
In the Name of Jesus, I am stepping up higher in righteousness, glory, power, anointing, skills, grace, promotion. I am above only and never beneath. I walk in God’s purpose for my life in a grand style. I am more than a conqueror. I am a champion. Average is my enemy. Excellence is my hallmark. My results are outstanding by the word-experience. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Blissful Tuesday!