24/7 DOXA Content, 26th December-SIGNS OF UNPREPAREDNESS
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 26th December
Luke 12 vs
>>47¶”And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.~[NKJV]
JESUS was born, died, rose again and now seated on the right hand of God. And remember He will come back again to take His holy church. Do you know that many people including some of Jesus’ disciples didn’t believe He would rise again from dead? Thomas substantiated that with so much doubt. He even dramatized it in front of all the disciples. Most Pharisees, scribes and high priests neither believed He would resurrect. To them, it was unheard of that someone would predict his own death and rise again. Only few people were prepared to see Jesus rise again to life according to His word.
This same scenario is true today concerning the coming our Lord Jesus Christ. Some folks still think it’s a fairytale or imaginative fiction. So there are those who are not ready and unprepared for His second coming. Doubt and unbelief have put these folks in total bondage and “blindness”. These “twin brothers”, doubt and unbelief will send many to hell. They can rob you of earthly and heavenly blessings. But to the believers, they must know and do their Master’s will as a way of preparing for the Master’s return. When you ask someone, “If Jesus comes today, will you make it to heaven with Him?”
And the person responds “I can’t tell or I’m not sure whether I will go or not”, that’s a sign of an unprepared soul and therefore needs to receive Jesus and be born again. The same way you know your name, you must know whether you are going to heaven with Christ. Also, there are some folks who panic at the mention of heaven. It’s also a sign of unpreparedness. As a true born again Christian, the mention of heaven and Jesus’ return should rather excite you; it shouldn’t put you in a sense of fear. Are you saved, walking in the Master’s will, and prepared for His return? Then relax and rejoice for great is your reward in heaven. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for the opportunity to serve You in wisdom, understanding, knowledge and righteousness. I receive more grace to walk worthy of my calling in all endeavours of my life. I shun any form of unpreparedness. I live as a wise person and I watch to meet my master. Heaven is home and I live in the reality of it now in Jesus Name. Amen!
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday!