Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content, 21st January-THE SHIELD OF FAITH


24/7 DOXA Content 2018

SUNDAY, 21st January



Ephesians 6 vs
16.■” Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”-|KJV|

There is order in the Kingdom of God. Things are not done or arranged haphazardly. The same is true about spiritual warfare. You do not fight or wage war without understanding what it entails and the weapons to engaged with (2 Timothy 2:5). In the spirit realm, we strive according to the rules set by the Spirit of Christ and one is to be clothed with the full armour of God. In addition to the armour is to lift up the shield of faith. A shield is a large weapon which has the ability to protect the entire body. It can be used in all directions.

Faith is truly a great shield. The shield of faith is your solid trust, confidence, persuasion, conviction, assurance, loyalty in God and His word without doubt. By faith, you absolutely rest on God’s word in every circumstances, notwithstanding the prevailing conditions. For you to enjoy life on earth, you must understand that you are called to live by faith not by sensory perceptions (2 Cor 5:7; Heb 10:38). One great man has rightly said “Faith is to a Christian what oxygen is to living. Faith is the life force behind the Christian”.
This armour is able to QUENCH ALL (not some) the flaming darts, missiles, deceptions, enchantments, temptations, manipulations and arrows of the wicked one. The scripture unveils that “…this is the VICTORY that overcomes the world, even our FAITH (1John 5:4). The evil and corrupt systems of this secular world only bow to those who persistently fight the good fight of faith. Cherished one, constantly build up your faith in God and His word; don’t lose it. Use the shield of faith to dominate the systems to work in your favour. Don’t be afraid of the flaming arrows of the devil; those arrows can NEVER penetrate the true shield of faith. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I am clothed with the full armour of God in Christ. I lift up the shield of faith and I quench all the flaming arrows of the devil. I am born of God and I have won the victory even by my faith in Jesus Name. Amen!_
♡♡Enjoy A Victorious Sunday !♡♡
Your Personal Prayer Alert :
Pray that your faith is being built to the highest capacity to quench all ungodliness.
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