Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 14th January



1 Peter 1 vs
8.■whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,-|NKJV|

THE Christian life is lived by the power of God through an unwavering faith in Christ Jesus (1Peter 1:5). A faith life is highly commended by God. It is by faith that anyone can please Papa God (Hebrews 11:6). *And your faith in Him has a great recompense or reward. Yes, it’s never going to be in vain.* Our focused text unveils a glorious truth on which your faith should stand in glorious joy. Thus, the saints are not loving Jesus because they could see him physically but by faith. They haven’t seen him, yet they express full believe in Him. Beloved, this is the life of faith which is lived beyond the human senses. Yes, we do that by faith, our spiritual sense.

Moreover, the true saints who love and have faith in Him would walk in unspeakable joy. Hallelujah ! You don’t have to see Jesus physically to express your love for Him. You don’t have to see Him to believe in Him. Beloved, no matter what people may say about the way you love and believe in Jesus Christ, keep rejoicing in Him. Walk in Him with unspeakable joy. Unspeakable joy is a joy that’s indescribable and full of glory. *A joy that’s not dependent on the human senses or situations.* A joy that cannot taken out of you by religious debates, philosophies and human theories.

*The joy you have in Christ shouldn’t be compared to anything in your life.* Any thing compared to it will be found wanton. Christians are to walk in joy than in happiness. Happiness depends on the happenings but joy depends on the personality of the Messiah. Jesus is the eternal source of joy, full of glory. *No matter the situation, serve the Lord in unspeakable joy (Psalm 100:2).* Allow the joy to fill you to the extent that nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. The grace of our Lord JESUS Christ be with you always.

I walk in indescribable and glorious joy. The joy of serving the Lord has filled my heart and entire life. His joy feeds my love and faith in Him. I remain unmoved in Jesus Christ. He wraps me in His love and joy. My life is in glorious progress because of His joy in me. Hallelujah!

*♡♡Enjoy A Joyful Sunday!♡♡*

*Your Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God will grant you deeper revelations about His joy in you._
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