24/7 DOXA Content, 7th April-SAFER IN HIS HANDS
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 7th April
John 10 vs
28■” And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.”~《AMPLIFIED》
WE LIVE in a world full of insecurities because of wicked people and spirits around us both spiritually and physically. Due to this, there are some who are relying on juju or voodoo or other forces for security and protection. Other folks fear for their lives because of their wealth, money or material possession. But is there any sort of protection for the Christian ? The answer is YES! Any born again Christian is totally and heavily protected and safe in the hands of Jesus. *You are not left vulnerable to the devil and evil circumstances of life.* Unlike a hired servant, Jesus as the Good Shepherd assures the sheep that He will not run away when there is an attack from the enemy (John 10:12-14).
For He cares and protects you all way- round. Beloved, if Jesus can protect you spiritually then it is true He can also protect your life, business, property, ministry, marriage etc. He proved it in the lives of the disciples. They were protected all way round.Their lives were not in jeopardy when they walked with Jesus on earth. He told Peter Satan desired to sift him like wheat but He prayed for him (Luke 22:31). Hallelujah! We have something more than a security or insurance scheme. We have an eternal security scheme headed by Jesus Himself. This scheme is only accessed through eternal life.
All those who are in Christ are eternally secured, safe and protected. And Jesus speaks of the impossibility for any one to snatch you from his hands (John 10:29 ). Cherished one, no one and nothing can snatch you from the hands of the great Shepherd. You just have to keep holding unto Him. Don’t run away from His presence. For there is no where safer and secured than His presence. You don’t need “juju”, talisman, a fetish priest or an idol for any protection. Jesus, your great Shepherd is enough to proctect you all way round. Relax, you are protected and in safe hands. Believe and live it. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
The Lord is my Light and Salvation whom shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid. Yes, the Lord is my fortress, my refuge and strong tower. He is my great Shepherd at all times, my shield and protection all way round. So no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Any tongue against me is condemned. I ‘m secured and in safe hands in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Blissful Saturday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and thank the Lord for the unwavering security and safety of your entire life in Him.
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