24/7 DOXA Content, 29th December-RESTORED TO FAVOUR WITH GOD
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
FRIDAY, 29th December
2 Corinthians 5 vs
»»19. for through the Messiah, God was reconciling the world to himself by not counting their sins against them. He has committed his message of reconciliation to us.-|ISV |
THE BEAUTY of Christianity is such that every detail of it is fixed in God’s perfect plan. And God’s perfect plan was sending Jesus to save the whole world from sin (1 John 2:2). Sin was the major problem of humanity. Sin was more spiritual than physical, however it brought both spiritual and physical consequences on mankind. It first of all needed a spiritual “vaccine” to clear it . *And Jesus was that Vaccine to do away with sin permanently.* John 1:29 testifies that Jesus is the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”._
Our focused text says that through the Messiah, God was reconciling the world to Himself. Reconciliation as used here means the restoration of the favour of God to sinners. He has done this for the whole world, not only for Christians. However it takes those who believe in Christ to enjoy this benevolent provision. Due to this restoration of favour, the Apostle continues that God was not counting or calculating their sins against them. This is real good news. Hallelujah! Jesus in the flesh came to redeem mankind from the “sin trap”. Therefore, “…God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh” (Romans 8:3).Beloved, SIN is CONDEMNED; it has no power over you; refuse to live in bondage to it; you are free from the power of sin.
He came to save sinners to repentance, so it would be an error to also impute the sinner’s sins on him. He “laid” on Jesus all the sins of the world. He paid the spiritual debt for sin so that you can live free from the power of sin and it effects. For sin shall not have dominion over you (Romans 6 :14). Beloved, you just have to believe in Jesus Christ and you are guaranteed a brand new life (a new creation) (2 Cor 5:17). Yes, Jesus did a “perfect work ” that needs no improvement from any man or spirit. You have been reconciled to God through Christ Jesus if only you believe in Him. You are made free from the law of sin and death to walk by the law of the Spirit in NEWNESS of life in Christ. You are restored to favour with God. Glory! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I am enjoying fellowship with my Father through Christ Jesus . All my sins have been laid on Jesus. My sins are not imputed on me anymore. I have peace with God to live for Him alone. Therefore I receive the ministry of reconciliation to bring many souls to Christ. I choose to make spreading the gospel my delight in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah !_
Enjoy A Gracious Friday !