24/7 DOXA Content, 28th February-RELY ON HIS ABILITY
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 28th February
Ephesians 3 vs
20.■”Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” ~《KJV》
THE APOSTLE having finished his prayer for the Ephesians ends with praise and adoration unto God. This he does by revealing to the saints the ability of God. In this era, it’s expedient to believe, proclaim and rely on the ability of God. Yea, things may be challenging in your life, business, family or country, but things are ALWAYS EASY for God. You can lose hope in your friend, relative or nation’s ability to help you but never doubt God’s ability in your life. This is vital because unless you believe in God’s ability, your great dreams and visions can never be accomplished. God is so great and He is able to do impossibilities.
He continues that His ability does things “exceedingly abundantly above”. Hallelujah! You have no idea how God is able and willing to help you. He is more willing to help you than you are ready to receive. He is able to do more than we ask or imagine. Your God-purposed dream, goal, vision, prayer and anointed mind are the seeds for your future harvest. And any seed that enters the “ground of God” always comes out fruitful. But you must allow God’s ability to dominate your visions, prayer and dreams to the extent that you move in the realm called “with God all things are possible”.
Trust Him with all your life, goals, dreams and receive guidance and directions from His power that works within you to live a fulfilling life. Do you believe that God will always exceed or surpass your wildest dreams and imagination? Yes, He can and He does according to His power that works within you. Acknowledge that power in you through constant fellowship and partnership; and depend on it for greater provisions. This is why you can’t enjoy life to the fullest without the Holy Spirit. Don’t limit what God can do in your life with your imagination. Rely on His ability. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Loving Father, You are my provider. You supply all my needs according Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I thank You for doing it exceedingly abundantly and above all my wildest dreams, visions and plans according to the power that works within me. I rejoice in Your ability to help me in all areas of my life in Jesus’ Name! Amen!_
◇ Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit is enlightening you about the ability of God.