24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 20th June
Luke 10 vs
20.■”, Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”.~《KJV》
We’ve learned how demons can submit to you in the Name of Jesus Christ. As a matter of truth this revelation is vital for the Body of Christ as she exercises authority on earth. *Anyone born again is superior over the greatest demon by virtue of the Name Jesus Christ.* The demon of death, poverty, curses and sickness will always submit to you in the Name of Jesus Christ. However, our focal text unveils Jesus’ response to the the good report of His disciples. He first told them to stop rejoicing that the spirits submit to them. Stop rejoicing ? Yes He said that.
This truth will contradict the spiritual attitude of many Preachers and Christians who always take pride that demons subject to them. Because to Jesus it wasn’t anything so surprising or “wonderful”. Yes, looking at His majesty and the power at His disposal it wasn’t news to Him that demons would submit to His disciples. Thus, He knew demons are powerless whenever they encounter His wonderful Name. This also means that the Christian who knows how to use the Name of Jesus will definitely triumph over any demon whether in the rank of principalities or powers or the like.
But Jesus told them to REJOICE that their names stand written in heaven. Hallelujah! YES, If there is any cause for joy or celebration it should be that your name is written in heaven. So there is something like names being written in heaven. Cherished one, there are weightier matters of the Kingdom. This is one of them that your name is written in heaven. Don’t allow any achievements or credentials of this earth make you feel so high to the extent that you think all is well whiles your name is just written on earth. No! If you are born again, do rejoice and celebrate always that you are recognised in the books of heaven. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Glorious Father, I thank You for the power in the NAME of Jesus Christ. I praise You for given me this Name to triumph in life. However, I do REJOICE forevermore that my name is written in heaven. Yes I am recognised in the books of the most High God. I have decided to walk with You in this journey and no turning back in Jesus Name. Amen!_
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and rejoice and celebrate that your name is written in heaven.
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