24/7 DOXA Content, 15th February-REFUSE “THE ESAU SYNDROME”
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 15th February
Hebrews 12 vs
16■”Watch out for the Esau syndrome: trading away God’s lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short-term appetite”.《MSG
THE scripture is full of life’s lessons from various characters. Each of these characters has a bearing in this current world one way or the other. We are admonished to emulate from the personalities who live a glorious life with God. One way to do this is to learn from their mistakes to avoid repeating them. Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob. But the eldest, Esau did something that cost him a lifetime blessing. And since God desires the best for His children, our focus text rightly warns about the “Esau syndrome”. Folks who fall into this syndrome despise the birthright (potentials, plans, purposes, visions, dreams or values) God has placed in them and resort to something less of God’s best.
Such folks always think of instant gratification, what they will get for the now, not the future. They talk like Esau: “…Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?… thus Esau despised his birthright ” (Gen 25:32,34). This is pathetic because many are still walking the same mindset of Esau. This syndrome unveils short sightedness or lack of vision. Such folks do not have the future in plan or view. Because they trivialize every opportunity to be responsible. Such folks are not able to endure their current situation or challenges. They easily give in or up to challenges and choices which would benefit them nothing worthwhile at the long run.
Cherished one, God has given you so much grace to enjoy life, do not treat it lightly and trade it for anything less in life.* Avoid all evil short term appetites and cherish God’s lifelong benefits for your life and your descendants. God has loaded into you greatness, vision, dreams, abilities, businesses etc, refuse to abandon or trade them for the devil. Cherish them and work them out with all diligence and wisdom. Forecast the impact of your decision making in the future whether it is worth it. Avoid short term appetites. Reach out for a lasting impact. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Good Father, I thank You for the ability of Your word to make me wise in all my affairs. As I function in the image of Christ and being helped daily by Holy Spirit, I refuse and reject to live like Esau. Any form of Esau’s syndrome in my life, I renounce and denounce them right now. I am living to make a lasting impact through Christ who strengthens men in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy An Enlightened Thursday ◇
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Pray that God’s Spirit would continually guide and direct you to walk according to God’s plans”.
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