24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 16th June
Colossians 3 vs
16a.■” Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; ~《KJV》
Taking guard on your spiritual journey with God is vital on a daily basis. And you can’t successfully each day without receiving a daily empowerment through God’s word. Day in day out, your physical body is catered for by the food you eat. Likewise, your soul feeds on the knowledge you receive into your mind. More importantly, your spirit man too needs a constant healthy diet from God’s word. And it’s your duty to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom by having the readiness or eagerness to learn and be taught by it all the time.
The inspirer of the Holy scripture said through Peter that _”desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby”_ (1Peter 2:2). To receive and live the word of God, you must have a deep desire for it. Thus, you must have a strong and insatiable desire for the word of God. David said “As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long (desire) for you, O God! ( Psa 42:1). Also, your desire should lead to you to pursuit. Through desire a dream is birthed but it comes to reality by constant pursuit in faith, love and perseverance. This pursuit is realised in seemingly daily acts such as reading a verse or a chapter of the Bible a day or reading a powerful daily devotional as this one; or listening to preachings from other anointed men and women of God.
All these open up your spirit to receive from God’s transformative word. Because, it’s God’s word that forms the stable basis of all that you are, have and can become. Without, the word of God in your life, Satan will always have easy unblocked access to your life. And remember, he is a liar,wicked, thief, killer and destroyer. Ephesians 4 :27 says “do not give place or opportunity to the devil”. It is the room you give him that gives him the power to operate against you. However, God’s word has all the necessary power or missile to stop him and all his operations against you. Jesus told him to _”get thee behind him of which he readily obeyed because He had already thrown a word missile back at him_ (Mat 4:10,11). Get the word in you and apply it at all times for glorious success. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I choose to let the word of Christ have a full dwelling in me. I open up my heart to receive God’s word. For the word of grace is able to build me up and give me inheritance. My life is set on a glorious course as I constantly feed on the word of God. It’ll put me on top of all life’s challenges in the coming year. Yes, it will make me more than a conqueror in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !_
*◇ Enjoy A Lovely Saturday ◇*
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that you’ll be empowered by the Spirit to receive the word into your spirit and apply it._
*Kindly Share with others.*🌍
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