24/7 DOXA Content, 28th March-REALM OF POSSIBILITIES
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 28th March
Jeremiah 32 vs
27■” Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? ~《KJV 》
I HAVE COME to realize that man can easily answer man’s questions, but sometimes, it becomes difficult to answer God whenever He asks a question. This is very true especially when the question relates to His ability to do something. “Is there anything too hard for the Lord” is one of the many questions that demands someone’s response. Today, the Lord is asking someone facing a severe challenge in life that “Is there anything too hard for Me”? Your answer to this question determines how you solve life’s challenges.
The key word to consider here is the Personality involved. And that is the LORD God Almighty, the Creator and Maker of the heavens, earth and it’s fullness (Ps 24:1). The same God who gave us His only begotten SON. The One who has all ability. As humans as we are, there are many things that are too hard for us. But “our too hard” is “God’s too easy”. It may be too hard for you to find a job in your country, but it’s too simple for God to get you one or connect you to one. Yes, it may be too hard for you to even enjoy three square meals a day. Yet, a lifetime square meals is not too hard for God.
Your financial life may not be buoyant as at now, but is it too hard for God? No! It’s so cheap for Him. Are you looking for a virtuous woman or man to marry and it seems difficult? Well, it is so simple and easy for God. Are you battling with a sickness or disease which no man or physician could help? It’s so easy with God to heal you right now (Matthew 8:17/1 Peter 2:24). With man it may be impossible but with God all things are possible. Walk in this realm of possibilities with God and no challenge can deter you from fulfilling your divine assignment on earth. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
The Lord is my helper, so I am greatly helped. With God I walk in the realm of possibilities. I refuse to think and talk impossibilities. For all things are possible with my Father. There is no mountain too high and no valley too low for Him. With His ability that infuses me I can do and have all things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday full of Possibilities ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God’s ability is overshadowing any seemingly impossibilities in your life._
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