24/7 DOXA Content, 19th April-PROFITABLE FOR REPROOF
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 19th April
2 Timothy 3 vs
16■”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof…”~《KJV》
THE holy scripture says God’s word is like a two-edged sword. Yes, God’s word is not one-edge sword; it has the ability to address multifaceted issues without being biased or partial. Thus, it deals with the minute details of life to the satisfaction of God. Every writing inspired by God is useful for sound teachings or doctrine expressing truth. Aside this, it is profitable for reproof or rebuke. Reproof involves rebuking someone usually in a gentle and kind tone. The scriptures convict us of sins; it exposes the rebellion of humanity; It is God’s word which defines the parameters of rights and wrongs. And it’s able to rebuke or reprove when necessary.
To reprove also means to admonish or chasten someone severely. In other words, it makes us realize what is wrong in our lives. Rebuke for wrong behavior or belief that can be dealt with through knowledge, confession and repentance. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are NAKED and EXPOSED to the EYES of him to WHOM WE must give account (Hebrews 4:12,13).
Cherished one, God’s inspired word does not pamper ungodliness, it reproves, rebukes and chastens so that you wouldn’t end in a pit. God would not sit down quiet for His lovely children to fall into a pit. *No! He allows His word rebuke us to shape and sharpen us for exploits.* Allow God’s word to rebuke you when the need be to get on track; for it’s one of the functions of the inspired word of God. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Perfect Father, I thank You for the ability of Your to rebuke me and put me on track. I choose to receive all the dimensions of Your undiluted word which is able to build me up and give me inheritance in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Gracious Thursday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit is guiding you to walk in humility to accept the needed rebuke for your benefit.