24/7 DOXA Content, 12th March-PRESS TOWARDS THE GOAL
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
MONDAY, 12th March
Philippians 3 vs
14.■” I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”~《KJV》
Amongst the many things you must do in life, one is to set goals in your Christian life. Your goal is your vision. Don’t walk this journey without specific goals. Things will not just work automatic for you as a Christian. You must be disciplined to meet the standards set by the stature and measure of Christ. In our opening text, the Apostle is revealing to us his ultimate goal in Christ. Don’t accept any substandard Christianity. No ! you must go for the very Christianity as revealed in Christ.
And this is done by graciously pressing towards the goal. The word “press” used here means to seek after eagerly or earnestly endeavour to acquire. In other words, it means to strive or pursue without giving up. Cherished one, we have the ability of the Spirit within us to press in for more manifestation of Christ’s anointing, character, Spirit, virtues and walk as He walked. Yes, by the power which works within us, we can choose to refuse being cast down or backslided and stand strong to press into God.
What is the quality of your Christian life? Does it meet the standards set by Christ? Press for more. Don’t relent. A successful Christian life mainly affect other areas too. Every call has a reward or prize. Your pressing determines your reward, not just your calling. Don’t live less of what this high call in Christ demands. The standard is found in Christ as you press on to know and live for Him ( Phil 3:10). Press to become an active Christian, full of power, faith, love, wisdom and the Holy Spirit in order to impact your world. Keep pressing toward the goal. You can be more than what you already are. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
My Gracious Lord and Father, thank You for the desire to press towards the goal. I believe my destiny is fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I set goals that are standard and fall in line with Your assignment for my life. As I pursue these goals, I thank You for the wisdom, strength and focus to accomplish them in Jesus’ Name. Amen!_
◇ Enjoy A Fruitful Monday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would help you to press towards the goal to get the prize.
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