24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 28th November
2 Thessalonians 3 vs
»»1.¶Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:-[KJV]«« ||
THE quick and successful spread of the word of the Lord is not dependent on God only, but also on the fervent prayers of faithful saints. Our focus text reveals that those who spread the gospel also need to be interceded for. The Apostle passionately said to them “…pray for us”. God’s ministers need your prayers in all areas but more especially for the mega prosperity of the word of the Lord. Some people may think ministers of God do not need prayers for anything because they are somehow “closer” to God, but beloved, scripture never supports that.
As you pray for them, God will add more labourers to the vineyard (Matt 9:37,38); He will also strengthen, empower and endow those already in with much boldness to spread the Word. Also, you ought to pray that the word of the Lord would have a free course. Thus, the word would spread rapidly or quickly. Yes, through your prayers, God’s word will run on, get to the goal and be glorified; and penetrate despite hindrances and oppositions. God’s word is often opposed and attacked from different angles and directions. The devil is influencing this world to the extent that there wouldn’t be any “Gospel-content” at all.
However, fervent prayers backing the ministers of God and the spread of the gospel can break that stronghold of the devil to the extent that the Word would have free course and spread rapidly. Hallelujah! Through this, God’s purposes and desires would be accomplished. Brethren in Christ, let this be part of your daily prayer topic. Yes, our prayers can cause a rapid spread of the gospel. When the gospel spreads, it’s for your own blessings. You can start praying now. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for the privilege to pray for the rapid spread of the gospel. I pray for all Your ministers all over the world that You strengthen and empower them to spread Your word in love, faith and power. Your word is saturating every sphere and rapidly having a free course. It is changing lives. The power of Your word is resisting all hindrances and oppositions in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
Enjoy A Blissful Tuesday