24/7 DOXA Content,30th June-PRAY FOR THE LOST
John 17 vs
20.”■ I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;~《NKJV》
JESUS came to save the whole world from their sins. Yet not everyone has believed in Him. However, our focal text unveils to us Jesus’ attitude in prayer towards the lost or unsaved. *Thus, He wants us to engage in prayers for those who haven’t believed in Him.* This is simply called intercessory prayers; that’s praying for others or standing in the gap for them. Every believer is called into this ministry. We are extension of Christ’s body on earth. He is our head and we are His body. Our ministry of intercession is an extension of Jesus. Jesus is interceding for us, and we need to intercede for others too.
Amongst all the people you see in this world, there are two major categories of people no matter their credentials, profession, relationship or vocation. They are grouped as the saved and the unsaved (the lost). The unsaved is lost because they have not accepted the gift of eternal life which only Jesus offers (Rom 6:23). Beloved, it’s God ultimate desire that we pray for people to get saved (1Tim 2:1-2). This kind of prayer is what Jesus started in our opening text. Whiles He prayed for His disciples, he didn’t leave out the unsaved. He foresaw that many would come to believe in Him after His departure.
This unveils to us the willing nature of God that all men should come to repentance (1Peter 3:9). This also tells us to be careful how we treat those who haven’t believed in Him yet. This is because they are all potential believers. Though you may hate their sins, but not the sinner whom Christ was praying for prophetically. It is God who draws men to repentance to believe and love Jesus, but it is man who tells a person about the Lord. The person will then have to make the decision to receive Christ. Cherished one, pray for the lost. You definitely know some of them. You can even start now. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, I bow my knees to You in the Name of the Lord Jesus that souls be drawn to You by the preaching of the gospel. Cause their eyes to be opened to the glorious light of the gospel. By Your power, I set the captives free and the lost saved now. Thank You for the lives that are coming to You today. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Blissful Saturday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert:
Pray that many souls are receiving Christ today as we preach the gospel to them.
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