24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 14th June
Acts 6 vs
4.■” But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.~《KJV》
ONE great key to enjoy a glorious life is to walk in the spirit of consistency concerning the good things. Most times, the devil desires to manipulate people to be consistent with the negative stuff. But God demands the opposite for us. Being consistent involves keeping on or moving on without giving up; it’s that ability to forge ahead regularly with the right things. Our opening scripture unveils to us how the early disciples persisted in prayer and ministration of the Word. It is salient to recall that they faced diverse persecutions yet they could make such bold statement. Therefore, don’t allow anything or anyone stop you from practising positive consistency.
People quit too early on the good stuff if they don’t see quick results. But you must learn to endure and persist with the good stuff. Two vital areas include your prayer and word study life. Be consistent in prayer. Jesus said men ought always to pray and not give up (Luke 18:1). Thus, catch and develop the habit of praying daily. In other words, treat prayer as a vital necessity. Don’t quit or stop because you are not getting quick or instant results. Some results take time. As a New Creation, you never stop learning God’s undiluted word. Because that’s where you develop your relevance. A person with the right knowledge of God’s would always know how to pray right and not amiss.
Cherished one, be consistent in prayer and word study. Personal reading and studying of your Bible is not old fashioned. Also, push ahead on a worthy course in your finances, ministry, marriage, family, business life etc. Many people have abandoned many great projects with great potentials. If you persist in living holy life, the results will be amazing later. You may have tried and failed or even mess up the more, but rise up and still live righteously by God’s ability in you. If you persist in praying, fasting, learning and practising the things you learn from God’s word great results will never elude you. Practise positive consistency. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I do not count myself to have attained it all. But this one thing I persistently do. I forget all that lies behind me and forge ahead in the things of God that bring blessings, glory and success. I refuse to be discouraged because I am on a worthy course. I am having greater results by the power of the Holy Spirit as I practise positive consistency in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Gracious Thursday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and be empowered in the spirit of positive consistency.
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