24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 3rd June
2 Timothy 1 vs
7.■” For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.~《KJV》
IN the Kingdom of God, having the knowledge of who you are and who you are not, and what you have and don’t have are very vital principles to note. We learned yesterday that God hasn’t given His children the spirit of fear or cowardice; therefore it is needful to reject whatever doesn’t come from Him. Today, from our focal text, the Spirit of God through Apostle Paul unveils to us some of the good and perfect gifts which emanate from God. And such include the spirit of power, love and sound mind.
First, let’s expound on the truth that God has given the saints the spirit of power. This is contrary to what some religious folks or songs teach or reveal. God has given you power. Hallelujah! There is power to do everything in the kingdom. The kingdom is oriented on the power of God revealed in Christ and it’s now resident in the saints (2 Cor 4:20). You can’t use your own power or ability to serve God faithfully or effectively. Therefore God gives you the spirit of power. Timothy as a young pastor needed power to fulfill his pastoral calling. This is true for anyone born again in Christ and called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). It takes God’s power to live a blessed life; it takes His power to lead a holy life; it takes His divine power to enjoy all His provisions. (2 Peter 1:3).
Power in our opening text is “dunamis” in the Greek; but it originates from “dunamai” which means the ability TO DO something. It is salient to note that people with power are always bold to face life. That’s one reason God his children power. His power in you is to instill in you great boldness to face life and fulfill His assignment for you. The power of God in the disciples caused them to be bold even in the midst of persecutions (Acts 4:13,31). Cherished one, stand bold in His power to face life and fulfill purpose and no challenge can bring you down. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
My Powerful Father has given the spirit of power which infuses strength in me to do and fulling my given assignment. I stand strong and bold in His power to face life in glorious success. Hallelujah! By his power I am able to do in all things in Jesus Name !
◇ Enjoy A Power-filled Sunday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would continually empower you for exploits in life .
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