24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 17th May
Matthew 14 vs
23.■ “And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to PRAY: and when the evening was come, he was there ALONE.”~《KJV》
THE principles of the Spirit are not old-fashioned. Yes, the “curriculum” of the Spirit doesn’t need any upgrade from any human or institution. Believers are not to put away any of them; but to submit to the “syllabus” of the Holy Spirit. The various ancient paths of the Spirit should still be the most modern to you. One of such principles is prayer. Yes, Prayer is not old-fashioned; fasting is not outdated, living holy lives is not coloquial; enjoying a prosperous life is not limited to patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David or Solomon.
According to the holy scripture, all great people that God blessed were men of prayer. Thus, they had mastered the art of building personal prayer altars. As good as corporate prayer is, there is also the need for building a personal prayer altar. Thus, spending quality time ALONE with your heavenly Father in prayer. This is where you get personal with God, your FATHER in heaven. Here, you “lead” the prayer yourself. You don’t wait for anyone to raise a prayer topic. Jesus developed this to the extent that He prayed all night all by Himself (Matthew 6:12).
Cherished one, engage yourself in developing an attitude of personal prayer. As a wife or husband, you don’t pray for your marriage or business only when you go to Church. As a youth, praying when you only meet as a group is not God’s ultimate for you. You should develop a personal intimacy and fellowship with the Holy Spirit through prayer. This is where you receive personal direction, guidance and instructions from the Holy Spirit as to what to do in your life per time. Make time and build a personal prayer altar; for it’s your secret place for a glorious success. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Glorious Father, blessed be Your Name for the glory that Your presence birth in my spirit, soul and body. I ask and receive much grace to build a personal prayer altar where I spend quality time to have fellowship with Your Spirit for guidance, directions and instructions for a glorious success in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Thursday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would continually empower you develop personal prayer altar for guidance, directions and instructions for the next higher level of success.
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