24/7 DOXA Content, 1st February-PAY NO ATTENTION TO FABLES
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 1st February
1 Timothy 1 vs
4.■ “Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.”《KJV》
ONE challenge the true word of God faces is the varieties of human theories, philosophies and traditions of men. God’s word is the ultimate but so long as we are in the world, certain factors or forces often fight the word. In Jesus’ era, he said by heeding to the traditions of the Pharisees, they were “making the word of God of no effect….” (Mark 7:13). Making the word of “none effect” means, they have rendered the word of no power over their lives. It also means they have deprived the word the lordship and authority over their lives.
In this dispensation, we have many who render the word void by their own traditions. Apostle Paul also admonished his son in the Lord to avoid fables. Yes, he told him the call to the ministry is NOT built on fables. Fables implied anything that is was true; or if it was, yet idle, vain, trifling, and unprofitable. Most of these fables were Jewish myths, narratives, doctrines, opinions, oral traditions based on human invention and falsehood. Beloved, the two scenarios from Jesus and Apostle Paul unveil to us the danger of entertaining fables or traditions of men instead of the undiluted word of God.
Cherished one, this is one reason that you can see a Christian in Church for donkey years but you won’t see the impact of the Word in his life. There are many who have believed in Christ but are still believing and living on certain traditions of their tribes, cultures and families which contradict God’s word or counsel. Some are still holding to some erroneous thoughts, belief systems and practices that make God’s word of none effect in their lives. Therefore, Refuse to submit to any fable of any kind; whether from a denomination, a founder, leaders of the world, which are not based on the rudiments of Christ Jesus. Pay no attention to fables and build your life, ministry, marriage, family, finances, business etc on the true word of God which lives and abides forever and deliver best results (2 Peter 1:16). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Everlasting Father, thank You for the liberty that Your word bring to my life. Your Word is sweeter than honey to my mouth. I highly esteem Your word above every fables, culture, religion, philosophies and traditions of men. I submit to the lordship and authority of the Living Word in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇◇ Enjoy A Enlightened Thursday ! ◇◇
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