24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 30th March
Psalms 23 vs
3b■”He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.~《NKJV》
YOU’VE probably heard the saying that “it all rises and falls on leadership”. Well, that may not be far from truth. A leader literally refers to “one who has taken the lead”. However, some leaders take their people into hardships, struggles, resulting in poverty and dependency. But thanks be to God for this great Shepherd Who always leads the sheep in the paths of righteousness (not guilt, poverty, sickness, death or condemnation). As a New Creation, God has set right paths for you. And you need His leadership and guidance to walk those successful paths. Paths of righteousness refer to paths that conform to the Nature and Will of God.
His nature includes holiness, love, mercy, grace, kindness etc. His will also includes salvation, prosperity, divine health, protection, longevity, dominion, fruitfulness etc (3John 1vs 2; Gen 1:28). He does not lead you in the paths of sin, poverty, sickness, death. Why? Because they do not conform to His will and Nature. All the mess you see in this world is influenced and manipulated by the devil. But God knows best, so He shields His children under His “umbrella” and leads them right.
Precious one, you can’t lead God and yourself to fruition. The worldly systems are ending in frustrations, disappointments and hopelessness. There are more than enough evidence to prove. However, when you allow the Lord to lead you, your today and future are safe and secured, because He knows all the right paths. He leads you in the paths of righteousness, for His Name’s sake because He treasures and defends His Name in every generation. His reputation and integrity is in His Name. Allow the good Shepherd to lead you by His Word and Spirit in the right paths where you won’t miss your way or destiny. Then decide to walk in them successfully. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
My Great Father and Shepherd, I thank You for leading me in the paths of righteousness. By Your Voice and Spirit, my life is secured . I put all my trust in You. I refuse to lean on my own understanding. I give You praise for setting me on the right course to experience great heights of glory in Jesus Name. Amen !_
◇Enjoy A Good Friday in His Right Paths ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit is causing you to submit to His leading you to paths of righteousness.