24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 11th July
Hebrews 11 vs
29.■”By FAITH they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.’~《KJV》
FAITH is not just a modern principle for New testament believers. Many of our Patriachs, Covenant fathers and Prophets have walked this journey. Our focal text unveils the attitude behind crossing of the Red Sea as FAITH. We have all heard about the infamous crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites according to Exodus 14:22 “the Israelis went into the middle of the sea on dry land, and the waters formed a wall for them on their right and on their left”. Moses as a leader faced one of the most difficult moments in his life when he encountered the Red Sea. But because he was a man of faith he even spoke and encouraged the Israelites before the Lord showed him what to do (Exodus 14:13-14).
Do you see his attitude towards that difficult moment? People of faith see and speak based of the convictions they have in the ability of God. They don’t walk in panic as if there is no way in God. After speaking faith-filled words to encourage his people the Lord showed Moses what to do as recorded in Exodus 14:15-16. Walking by faith opens up your spiritual ears to hear God’s voice for the next higher level. Moses obeyed and the Red Sea was divided and the people passed through by faith. Thus, they didn’t doubt that the Sea had parted and they could passed through. They obeyed and just walked through it as a dry land.
Faith caused them to take action after the Red Sea parted into two. However, when the Egyptians tried to walk through the same Sea, they were drowned (Exodus 14:23,28); Because they didn’t walk through by faith. Cherished one, God’s word is full of TESTIMONIES of people who passed through severe challenges by faith. If not for faith, many of us would have given up and gotten “drowned” by the challenges and systems of this world. If the Israelites passed through the Red Sea by faith, how much more you the New Creation? You need to walk by faith in everything despite the challenges. For if you do it by faith in God, then you cannot fail. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Faithful Father, I thank You for Your unfailing word. I believe, trust and rely on Your Faithfulness at all times. You inspire my faith in You to move on unshakingly despite the storms of life. For my entire life is built on the Rock. I pass through and come out in glorious success by the faith of the Son of God in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Faith-filled Wednesday ◇
Prayer Alert:
_Pray that you are being empowered to pass through every challenge by the faith of the Son of God in you._
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