24/7 DOXA Content, 20th March-PASSED FROM DEATH TO LIFE
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 20th March
1 John 3 vs
14.■”We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death.”~《NKJV》
One of the vital experiences that happened to those born again is that they had passed from death to life. This knowing results from your encounter with Jesus, the fountain of life, whose life brings light in you. Your first step out of spiritual ignorance is receiving eternal life into your spirit. Afterwards, you are passed from death (spiritual death) to life. Spiritual death is a state or condition where you are alienated from the life of God in Christ. At this state, you are separated from the new birth in Christ; your understanding is darkened (Ephesians 4:17-19). Though you are God’s creation, you do not partake of His life revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ.
The word “passed” in our focal text implies that we have CHANGED places: Thus, we have DEPARTED from one place to another; we have been REMOVED from the dominance of spiritual death to the dominion of LIFE. In other words, we have crossed over from the valley of death to the fountain of everlasting life. Let this truth bring you so much joy. You have life in Christ. You are alive to Christ, righteousness and all that He stands for. You are brought into the Kingdom of light and darkness has no dominion over you (Col 1:13). You are released from spiritual death and it’s effects of sin, corruption and bondage. Hallelujah!
We have passed from death to life; that’s we have received the LIFE and nature of God with its effects in our recreated human spirit. You have the fullness of God, the all in all of God in you. This life brings to us strength, energy, enlightenment, revelations and illumination in our spirit which ignites a passion in our minds and body. This life in us causes us to love the brethren. For there is no hatred in the life of God within us. Cherished one, walk in the light of the truth that you have passed from death to the life that Christ brought and you’re enjoying the more abundant life (John 10:10). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
Father of Life and Light, thank You for delivering from spiritual death. Thank You for given me life in abundance. I am released from the bondage of death, sin, curses. In Your life, I am enlightened, blessed and guided to walk according to Your nature in me. I am shining brighter by the power of Your life in Jesus Name. Amen !
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would help you to enjoy the life of God to the fullest.