24/7 DOXA Content-20th November-ACT ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 20th November
Genesis 13 vs
2.¶So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto Him.-|KJV|
MANY GREAT people became successful in Bible days after they heard and acted on what God told them. For instance, God had told Abraham to leave his country, kindred and fathers house to a land where God would show him (Genesis 12:1). Verse two says “so Abraham departed”. He didn’t stay there to pray for confirmation or a convenient day. Chapter thirteen records the outcome of his obedience or action of God’s word. It reads “And Abram was very rich in cattle in silver and gold”. Precious one, it’s good to hear and build up knowledge of God’s word. Its power is always tremendous. However, the prove that you believe something is that you act on it.
It’s like salvation, if you only believe with your heart, then you have to also confess with your mouth in order to be totally saved (Romans 10:9,10). Only believing is not enough. When you say you believe and refuse to act on it, your knowledge becomes “A MENTAL ASSENT”, but when put to work, it BECOMES REAL FAITH. Act or put what you believe to work. Is it financial prosperity that you believe? Then look out for what it takes to get it real in your life. It requires receiving the word-seed on prosperity (3 John v2); also working (get a job or create one (1 Thess 4:11,12); giving offerings and paying your tithes faithfully to God and towards His work (Mal 3:10; Matt 6:33).
Thus, invest into God’s kingdom with your finances, time, energy; invest in your life and business and in other peoples lives such as the poor and the needy (Eph 4:28). By so doing ,you will be blessed financially, materially, and become very influential to your world. You should study about true rich folks and they will teach you other golden keys for success. Cherished one, you don’t really believe until you act on it. You are the light of the world, you can’t remain in obscurity of poverty, sickness, sin, death, curses and beggarly life. ACT NOW on God’s word, don’t just believe it ! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I receive enough grace to act on Your word concerning prosperity, health and every aspect of my life. I don’t just believe, I express my beliefs by acting on them in Jesus name. Amen!_
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday !