24/7 DOXA Content, 2nd May-PROSPERITY IS FOR YOU
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
Job 22 vs
21.■“Get to know God, and you’ll be at peace with him, and then prosperity will come to you”. ~《ISV》
THE STATEMENT above was made by the greatest man in the East according to Job 1:3. He was described as “perfect, upright, eschewed evil and had reverence for God” (Job 1:1). The Bible declared his “assets of prosperity” or wealth (vs 2-4). The Lord had blessed him all way round-physically, spiritually, materially and financially. So he is speaking from his experience with God, not just with life. So many people can tell you their experience in life but you will see they never had any experience with God and His Word. However, it doesn’t matter what you know, do or have, it is always “except the Lord builds the house” you will labour in vain (Psalm 127:1).
Job gives us a lifetime illumination on prosperity. Thus, he gives an inevitable condition for true prosperity: First, _”get to know God”._ This is not talking about a mental knowledge about God but a revelational knowledge of God (Eph 1:17-18). Because it is those who know their God that shall be strong and do exploits in this life (Daniel 11:32). You come to know God by believing in Jesus Christ. For He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Unless you believe in Christ, you don’t know God yet. Because, He is the only one the Father has set His seal upon. Believe Him with your heart and boldly confess Him as Your Lord and Saviour (Rom 10:9,10). You can also know God through His unadulterated word.
God is not separated from His word. He is faithful as His word. The efficacy of God’s word is found in Himself. *If you are ignorant of His Word, you can never embrace true prosperity in life.* Also, you have to be at peace with God through Christ Jesus. So prosperity is bound to come to you when you are in Christ, not outside Him. What the world calls prosperity is nothing but vanity, because God is not in it. Besides, true prosperity is found in the personality of our Lord Jesus, not in things. Beloved, stay in Him, walk with Him in faith and obedience and you will continually live in prosperity. True prosperity is for you. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, I thank You for the prosperity that comes from knowing You. I receive help to know You more and more all my lifetime. Now that I have peace with You, my entire life is set to prosper all my days. I receive grace for illumination and revelation in my walk with You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Prosperous Wednesday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert :
Pray that God’s Spirit is enlightening you to know God for total prosperity .
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