24/7 DOXA Content, 25th May-LOVE, A FAITH BOOSTER
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 25th May
Galatians 5 vs
6.■ “ For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.”~《KJV》
The moment you understand that success in the kingdom anchors on a multi dimensional design, your Christian life will experience a new level. That’s nothing stands alone no matter how vital it seems. Faith as a powerful tool doesn’t walk alone. There are certain vehicles through which your faith gains higher ascendancy. Faith moves with certain forces such as patience, love, prayer, obedience, word study etc. These things serve as catalyst to boost your faith life. Today, we are learning the essence of love in exercising your faith.
The spirit of God through Apostle Paul unveils that “If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have ALL FAITH, so as to remove mountains, but DON’T have LOVE, I am nothing” [1Co 13:2]. Thus having all kinds of faith to triumph over challenges isn’t enough if I am not walking in love towards God and my neighbour. Yes, If the essence of your faith is only for self and not others, then faith will became ineffective. What motivates your gift or abilities as a Christian or preacher?
Why do you want strong or powerful faith to heal the sick or organize great crusade? Is it to show off or for fame or your personal reputation? No, the main aim should be to dispense God’s unfeigned love to the sick, bereaved, depressed and hurtful generation. Because love gives strong “legs” for faith to function. The fact that you have faith doesn’t mean you should override or lord it on people without expressing love. There are people who get offended and hardly forgive. They always demand retaliation. Well, that’s using faith the wrong way. Love will forgive others. Cherished one, decide to walk in love in order to glorious boost your faith life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Lovely Father, I thank You for the ability to walk in Your genuine love towards one another. I refuse to exercise faith without love. My faith life is not selfish but loving to uplift others in Jesus Name. Amen !_
*◇ Enjoy A Lovely Friday ! ◇*
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that you are empowered to express love towards God and others in your faith life .
*Kindly Share with others.*🌍
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