24/7 DOXA Content, 20th December-LIVING A RESPONSIBLE LIFE
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 20th December
1 Corinthians 3vs
10.As an expert builder using the grace that God gave me, I laid the foundation, and someone else is building on it. But each person must be careful how he builds on it.~|ISV|
GOD is always faithful and responsible, but some of His children are not. Therefore, one canker every child of God must deal with is irresponsibility. To remain irresponsible is a recipe for chaos, confusion and failure. God is perfect and doesn’t need your faithfulness to make Him faithful; yet as a loving Father, He desires us to be responsible. In the matters of the spirit, you shouldn’t put all the responsibilities on God. Know that you always have a part to play. For God is always committed to do His part. One great preacher has said “any faith that puts all the responsibility on God is an irresponsible faith”.
The moment you believe in Jesus, you are introduced into a life of responsibility in every endeavour of your life. Where responsibilities are not performed, “casualties”, failures and liabilities become the norm. In our focused text, Apostle Paul calls himself “a master or expert builder” through the grace of God. A master builder is a diligent worker who is always doing something worthwhile in fulfilling his assignment. He knew God’s grace empowers hardworking and diligence, not laziness and mediocrity. Beloved, whatever blessings God has promised you in the scripture is a reality only when you become spiritually and physically responsible to work with the word of God.
God told Joshua this book of the law should not depart from his mouth (not God’s mouth)’; so it’s our responsibility to put God’s word in our mouth, not God’s. He continued that he should meditate and observe to do all that’s written within it. This also implies that God won’t meditate my Bible for me. Don’t wait on God to do what He’s told you to do. He won’t read your Bible for you. He won’t fast for you. He’s told you to engage yourself in them because He has given you the ability. Let God’s ability overrule any form of laziness, lackadaisical, excuses, procrastination and a busy for nothing or busy for wrong things lifestyle. Live responsible and you will enjoy the rewards. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious and diligent Father, thank You for the ability to live responsibly in every area of my life. By the grace lavished on me, I labour more abundantly to fulfill the purpose you have given me. I refuse to be ruled by laziness, excuses, procrastination and lackadaisical attitudes. My profiting is appearing to all in Jesus Name.! Amen!
Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday!