24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 8th May
1 Thessalonians 5 vs
14.■”Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men..”~《KJV》
There’s this canker under the sun that isn’t from God. It’s ungodly and therefore deadly. And it’s called the attitude of indifference. It means being unconcerned or nonchalance. It is when you decide not to care about anyone or anything all because you are not the one doing it or involved. All your concern is only about yourself, family, business or ministry. There are others who have developed the attitude of indifference towards others to the extent that they often belittle others and their projects. *But remember mind your own business does not mean being selfish or self-centred or blind to the plight of others.*
It doesn’t mean refuse to support or appreciate others who are on a worthy course. It is God’s desire that the feebleminded would be comforted and the weak receive the needed support. To support involves extending care or help to others with genuine intention. There’s no greatness which is achieved in total isolation. For instance, Lot would have perished in Sodom and Gomorrah if Abraham had cared less of him as a relative (Gen 19:29). The ministry of Jesus Christ would have died if all the disciples had decided to go back to fishing business and forgotten about the work of the ministry (Acts 2:14).
To think you can make it all by yourself is a big lie. For no one becomes a president without a nation or citizens. No one succeeds as a teacher without students. Whatever God has called you to become, you’ll need the support of people one way or the other. Cherished one, learn to approach others with love and support them with your knowledge, wisdom, understanding, skills and resources from a genuine heart.There is blessings in supporting others, so learn to practise it. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Faithful Father, I thank You for supporting me all these years. I learn this attitude from You and also extend support to the weak and my brethren on a worthy course. I ask and receive superabundant resources to genuinely care for others in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God would continually usher His blessings on you to genuinely care for others as He demands.
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