24/7 DOXA Content, 24th April-KINGDOM LIFESTYLE
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 24th April
1 John 4 vs
17■”By this love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because JUST AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE in this world.” ~《NET》
MANY brethren love it when you’re living holy like Christ, but when you talk like Him, they call you proud. Well, as Jesus is, so are we in this world (I John 4:17). Therefore we cannot afford to live His life and not talk His talk. Jesus revealed divine truths for our earthly living before He left. A man’s life includes His thoughts and words. So you can’t think Jesus’ thoughts and not talk like Him and vice versa. Jesus always spoke in line with His divine identity not His Jewish identity (John 8:23). Thus, He always identified and affirmed His sonship and fulfilling His Father’s assignment (Matthew 11:27).
The devil, circumstances and the Jews tried in various ways to question Him yet they couldn’t make Him change His confession (Matthew 4:4; John 19:7). He also spoke about His Kingship and His Kingdom and they went wild. Though He never built any earthly palace or castle, He was truly the King of kings (I Tim 6:15). They asked Him one day “Are You the king of the Jews”? and he answered in the affirmative (Mat 2:2; 27:11). He never denied and said “oh well, for now, I am not a king because I don’t have a palace or not wearing a royal robe or crown”.
His kingdom far exceeded that of this earthly realm so they never understood Him (John 18:36). There was no guile found in His mouth. He never spoke contrary to the Father’s revelation concerning Him. He wasn’t following Jewish tradition blindly because He knew who He was. Cherished one, knowing and living your heavenly identity is key to influencing this worldly system. Know who you are in Christ, then speak and live it. Yes, this is the lifestyle of the kingdom. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you always.
I function in Christ’s Kingdom. I live the kingdom lifestyle. I talk the kingdom talk, for as Jesus is, so I am in this world. I have overcome the world and its system by faith and kingdom declarations. I am a royal priesthood, so I speak the royal language in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Royal Tuesday! ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would continually unveil your true identity in Christ and help you walk accordingly.