24/7 DOXA Content, 30th January-KEEP ON PRESSING
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 30th January
1 Samuel 1 vs
17.■”Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.~《KJV》
IS THERE a need you’ve been praying about for days, months and even years but still haven’t received the answer in the physical realm? If your answer is yes, then you do not have to worry at all. For the scripture says you are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ. Yes, in the spirit realm, you have all you need to make your needs met. Therefore, in the physical we must learn how to position ourselves and respond to those situations. Let’s learn from Hannah’s response to her challenge. First, she was barren for years; her rival provoked her intensely. Her adversary gave her a tough time. Sometimes, some people are brought into your life to challenge you not to relent at your current level.
Two, she didn’t respond by attacking her rival but sought the Lord who could give her a child (1 Samuel 1:15). Most of the times some people want to fight spiritual battles with physical weapons and strategies and they make matters worse. Hannah sought the Lord in prayer instead of fighting her rival. Three, she refused to eat. Fasting is one spiritual activity that can humble your spirit to receive signals from the Spirit of God for the next level. Moreover, she responded to Eli, the priest in an esteemed or respectful manner, though he wrongly perceived her as drunkard. She wasn’t rude to the man of God (1 Sam 1:15,16).
Cherished one, your attitude to your man of God matters a lot. Whether you believe it or not, they are God’s chosen mouthpiece with special grace to release blessings in your life. Your honour to them can release miracle. Lastly, Hannah received the word that came from the man of God in faith as the final solution to her situation. And she responded positively to it by eating and rejoicing instead of continuing in sorrows ( 1 Sam 1:18,19). Beloved, worry, complaining and sorrows won’t deliver your results after you have prayed. If you believe God answered your request then you maintain an attitude of faith, joy, love, positive confessions, not the opposites.
Hannah kept on going to Shiloh. Yes, she kept on pressing into her heart desire and she had it. She just needed a word from the priest of God, Eli, to add to her faith. Every situation has its special solution strategy, so keep on pressing. Precious one, you can make 2018 a better year for you, if you will keep on pressing deeper into God using different strategies inspired by the word and the Spirit. For God is supplying every need of yours according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I receive answers to my prayer. I am confident that whatever petition I ask of Him He gives me. Therefore, I refuse to stay in sorrow and worry. I keep on pressing in joy and walk in faith to His goodness in the land of the living in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday !◇
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