24/7 DOXA Content, 10th February-THE IRRESISTIBLE LIFE
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 10th February
Acts 6 vs
10.■”And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.”~《NKJV》
What made the early Christians flourished that still calls for our attention and their celebration ? Their leaders were of good reputation and full of the Holy Spirit. Good reputation will save you from public shame and disgrace (1 Timothy 3:7). Being full of the Holy Spirit is what will manifest the presence, power and anointing of the Holy Spirit in you and on you. Besides, they were full of wisdom (Acts 6:3). Wisdom as used here is “sophia” which means broad and full intelligence. It involves the knowledge of very diverse matters, both divinely and humanly. Wisdom is a guide. Wisdom is a defense. Wisdom is a shield. You cannot be effective as a Christian without walking in wisdom.
However, amongst the seven was a man called Stephen. He was distinguished from the seven as stated here “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people” (Acts 6:8)._ Aside being of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, he was full of faith and power and this distinguished him from others. Remember, he wasn’t part of the twelve Apostles but the Apostles had prayed and laid hands on him as they did for the rest (six). This implies that Stephen chose to go the extra mile after being appointed to spearhead the distribution of food; therefore he was endued with faith and power.
And as God used him to do miracles, certain sects rose against him to dispute, examine or question him (Acts 6:9). And our opening text unveils that they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. He spoke with wisdom and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Cherished one, the world cannot contain or deny a Christian of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, faith and power. With these, you become irresistible in your generation. Yearn and go for more of this irresistible life proven by experiential results from the Holy Spirit. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_Glorious Father, thank You for the revelation unveiled to my spirit. I sincerely desire and walk a life which cannot be resisted by any forces or opposition. I humbly submit to You for a higher indepth of godly character, fulness of Your Spirit, wisdom, faith and power in Jesus Name. Amen!_
*◇ Enjoy A Blissful Saturday ◇*
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God’s Spirit will cause you to move in greater dimensions of godliness, fullness of the Spirit, wisdom, faith and power”._
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