24/7 DOXA Content, 8th April-HONOUR THEM HIGHLY
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 8th April
Philippians 2 vs
29■” So joyfully welcome him in the Lord and make sure you honor such people highly,”~《ISV》
Apostle Paul commended Epaphroditus, a man of God sent to minister to his needs as an Apostle. The Apostle made such a glorious remarks about him. He described him as his brother (in the Lord), and companion in labour, and fellow soldier, and one who ministered to his need. Another good report about him was the great affection he had for the people of God (vs 26). *Cherished one, we still have good people like Epaphroditus in the kingdom, churches and even in our workplace.* And therefore we should honour such people. One way to honour them is to receive them.
To receive a minister of God means to welcome and accept his personality, office, mantle, ministry and the message God has sent him to deliver.* So the Apostle admonished to receive him for the Lord’s sake because they are ministers of God not just for themselves. Also receive them in gladness or joy. This means you are going to joyfully support, respect and be a blessing to their ministry. You won’t backbite, mock and speak evil about them. As part of honouring the ministers of God is to hold them in high reputation. Thus, hold them in honour. Value and prize them as precious.* The Holy scripture says give honour to whom honour is due (Rom 13:7).
Beloved, our generation is full of people with hardened hearts who have turned themselves into mockers. However, never join anyone, blogger, group or institution to insult, criticize or belittle any minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s very dangerous to do that. Hold them in high reputation. Honour your pastor. Pray for him, speak good of him, receive the anointing and ministry of God upon him; give him the needed reverence; and spread the message God ministers through him. As you do this you are sowing great seeds for yourself to also be honoured. For honour is a law. Whoever gives it will also be honored in greater fold. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
My Honoured Father, thank for the revelation to honour your ministers sent for my growth and total development. I hold such people in high esteem and honour them as You desire of me in Jesus Name. Amen !_
◇ Enjoy An Honoured Sunday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would always help you to honour His ministers without reproach.
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