24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 31st March
Philippians 2 vs
9■” Therefore God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him the name which is above every name”.~《NKJV》
YOUR understanding of Jesus’ position will change your attitude of worship towards Him (Eph 1:20-23). It is true Jesus died on the cross, yet He did not remain there. Frankly, He was buried, yet did not remain in the grave (Acts 2:24). Verily, He resurrected, yet did not roam about on this earth (Mat 28:6). He ascended to heaven and is highly seated and exalted on the right hand of God in glory. (Acts 1:9/ 2:32,33). The right hand implies a place of power, honour and authority. The cross represented shame, suffering, condemnation, pain, curse, punishment, criminality etc, but He had to endure it for our sake (Heb 12:2; Gal 3:13).
On the cross, He carried away all our sins, failures, sicknesses, diseases, curses etc. He said _’it is finished’_ (John 19:30). However, on the cross He was not glorified because all our sins were laid on him (Rom 3:23;1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4,5). But when He endured the cross, He was highly exalted and glorified by God (Phil 2:8-10). Whiles we are enjoying the benefits of His death on the cross, let us also get the revelation that He is highly exalted and lives forevermore being worshipped by countless angels.
Beloved, stop seeing a ”condemned” Christ and see the glorified Christ full of glory, power and dominion (Luke 22:69). He is at the right hand of God to make intercession for the saints (Rom 8:34). Christ is highly exalted; God has given Him a Name above every other Name. Rejoice that He is highly seated and exalted on the right hand of God and will soon come again to take us home. Hallelujah! Don’t be ashamed to tell the world “CHRIST IS HIGHLY EXALTED”. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
Thank You Father for this glorious revelation. Thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross, buried, resurrected and living for me now. He is highly exalted in every area of my life. By this revelation, I am enjoying all the benefits of the cross but more importantly experiencing the heavenly benefits as He sits on the right hand of God full of glory, power and majesty. Glory to Him forevermore. Amen !_
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Saturday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Praise and worship the highly exalted King who lives forever more.