24/7 DOXA Content, 24th February-HE IS THE WAY MAKER
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 24th February
Isaiah 43 vs
19■”Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” ~《KJV 》
THE BEST definition of arrogance is when one thinks he knows and understands everything and therefore needs no one to teach him anything. When you think as a man, never forget that GOD is God. Don’t add Him to your “human commonsense definition”. God is never limited in any way; He is overly abundant in power and ability. God doesn’t just do impossibilities. God is the definition of possibilities. That’s why our focused text says He can make a way even in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. He is the Way Maker. Hallelujah! The wilderness and desert represent places of dryness, barrenness and unfruitfulness.
But God said He would make a way in the wilderness. This statement carries a prophetic connotation concerning the Christ, His gospel and Salvation. It’s fulfilled as the Lord has made a way in the Gentile world for the Gospel to enter, run and be glorified; and that the Christ, the way of salvation is made known to the world. Making “rivers in desert” is also symbolic. And it implies that the doctrines of the Gospel would be preached and administered in the Gentile world which lacked before like a desert. Thus, the outpouring of the spirit of grace would be revealed to hearts of men for salvation in the Gentile world.
Now, God has conquered the Gentile world and the gospel is being spread everywhere. The same way the Lord has caused the gospel of Christ to spread throughout the world, so has He determined that any sort of wilderness, barrenness, difficulty, dryness in your life would receive abundance of rain; for He is the way maker. Despite your family or country background or history, God is able to make abundant rain (grace) to abound towards you in every aspect of your life. Cherished one, don’t throw in the towel now no matter how difficult it may seem; God is making a great miracle in your life. Respond to Him in faith and He will make you a testimony of abundance, wealth, health and a source of encouragement to others. Yes, He still makes a way in the wilderness. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Merciful Father, I thank You for Your ability to make a way even in the wilderness. I thank You for the spread of the gospel even in the Gentile world. Thank You for the great outpouring of your grace to cause many to come into Your Kingdom. Thank You for making greater ways for my life miraculously in Jesus Name! Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Blissful Saturday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit is making the gospel of Christ spread even in desolate places.