24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 6th March
3 John 1 vs
2.■”Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”~《NKJV》
THE subject of prosperity has been misconstrued by many. And some have taken it to the extreme. However, there is a balanced idea for God’s kind of prosperity. PROSPERITY is very vital in all spheres of your life. One great man has defined it as _”having enough of God’s provisions to complete His instructions for your life”._ Understanding it in this form will not let you become skeptical about it. Prosperity is not only about money. It is more than money. Having money is just one part of prosperity. Besides, it encompasses your total well being- your spirit, soul and body.
God has worked on your total prosperity in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:32; Eph 1:3, 2 Pet 1:3). So it’s an error to ask questions such as “is it God’s will for me to prosper?” Or say “IF IT IS GOD’S will, He will make me prosperous or heal me”. Saying or asking those questions implies one’s ignorance of the scriptures. God has pleasure in your prosperity. For poverty doesn’t glorify God. One reason why many live in poverty, sickness and a lowly life is ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says, “lack of knowledge MY (God’s) PEOPLE perish”. Therefore, you have to submit and open up your heart and mind for revelation knowledge by the Spirit.
Cherished one, your total prosperity is God’s will. Salvation, repentance, health, holiness, money, wealth etc all form part of prosperity. Don’t be deceived that salvation messages are of more importance than prosperity, because salvation is the root of every prosperity. He doesn’t want you more saved than prosperous. It is His will for you to prosper in all areas of your life. Don’t ask “is it God’s will or if it is His will”. But ask ” am I willing to enjoy God’s prosperity ? Just believe His will for your life and enjoy it. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you always.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I am prosperous in all my ways. In salvation, holiness, health, money, material, wisdom etc. As a matter of truth, I enjoy all-round prosperity. I refuse to live in sin, lack, poverty or sickness. I live above them. Whatever resource it takes for me to fulfill my divine purpose on earth is fully supplied according to the riches in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Prosperous Tuesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God’s Spirit would enlighten you about His kind of prosperity._