¶] 24/7 DOXA Content, 13th December, FINANCIAL WISDOM
¶] 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 13th December
Ecclesiastes 11 vs
»»4.》He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap.-[NKJV]»»||
THERE ARE many natural laws as well as spiritual laws. However, it depends on your understanding of these laws that will work for you or against you. For the natural man, obeying or applying natural laws are easy and simple. Well, the same way natural laws work, so do spiritual laws. For instance, a farmer sows a corn and expect a harvest in due season because seeds were first put into the ground. In the same way, your money is not just paper notes, but it’s a seed of value that can produce greater harvest of wealth when planted in invested in God’s Kingdom.
When things get tight and the pressure is on, it is always a temptation to cut down on your giving. It seems like that’s the “logical” thing to do. But when you cut down your giving, you short circuit the flow of God’s financial blessings just when you need it the most. The right way to defeat an attack of lack is to sow your way out. Our opening text implies that one need not look at the financial winds that’s blowing, because if you look at it, you will never sow. Don’t observe the clouds, else you won’t reap. Keep sowing and you’ll keep reaping abundant harvest; though there are many factors that will challenge you not to give freely and cheerfully to God.
Times may be hard, but that’s not the same in God’s kingdom. Besides, when times gets hard, it’s an opportunity to allow God’s supernatural increase in your finances by sowing your way out. Some have believed and limited themselves to the worldly system of finance to the extent that most do not believe God can bless them financially. Break that shackles off your finances and begin to sow into God’s kingdom; sow to kingdom projects such as crusades, missions, outreach programs, ministers etc. God desires that His children will sow into the Kingdom so that He will send them the returns by blessing them. God is more interested in giving to you than you are willing to give Him. And you can’t out give God.
The New Living Translation puts Proverbs 11:24 this, “Give freely and become MORE wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.” Precious one, God is faithful; He is kind; He is a rewarder; He is multiplier. He is not a cheat. You can’t transact business with God and lose. Your story will be a blessed one, full of kingdom wealth if you keep sowing into the Kingdom. This is financial wisdom. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Father for the opportunity to sow financial seeds into your kingdom. Not that You can’t do it without me but it’s because You want to bless me more to overflow. I receive the grace to give freely, heartily and cheerfully and receive abundance with joy in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday !