24/7 DOXA Content, 22nd May-IT’S BY FAITH, NOT FEELINGS Pt. 1
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 22nd May
2 Corinthians 5 vs
7.■ “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”~《KJV》
ONE great and vital force for a glorious and successful journey on earth is FAITH. Faith, _the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:6)._ The principle without which no one can please God. Our focal text is one of the most powerful scriptures that summaries our Christian journey. Yes, we walk by faith not by sight. This makes us unique from the secular world. Walking by sight implies walking by your sensory perception. *The New Creation does not regulate his life by his sensory perception.*
But by faith, the full persuasion in God and His word without analysis or compromise. Our opening text is not telling us to have but rather to exercise FAITH. That’s what God’s word requires of us. Faith is so relevant to the extent that without it no man can please God. Tell me what you can do without faith in the Kingdom. No wonder our Christian journey is also called “Faith life.” For from the beginning of it to the end is a walk of faith. Therefore, you must always distinguish between faith and feelings.
Faith is not feelings and feelings is not faith. Our Christian life is not by feelings. You don’t have to feel God to serve Him; you faith in God to serve Him. And God’s word is the assurance or the pivotal insurance to anchor our faith life. You haven’t seen God before but you believe and serve Him, that’s faith; what makes you think you are born again, it’s by faith, not FEELINGS; what makes you think all your sins are forgiven or prayers are answered by God, it’s by FAITH not feelings. Cherished one, this only way to please God and enjoy life in abundance is to walk by faith. For faith causes manifestation. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I am who God says I am. I have what He says I have. I can do what He says I can do by faith. I walk by the faith of the Son of God, not by my sensory perception. By faith I have the victory that overcomes the world in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and declare to possess and manifest all the treasures God has delivered to you by His unfailing Word._
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