24/7 DOXA Content 2018
MONDAY, 14th May
Matthew 28 vs
18.■ “Then Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All AUTHORITY has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.~《NKJV》
THE holy Scriptures make us understand from the beginning that God gave the ultimate mandate to man in order to be fruitful, multiply, dominate, subdue and replenish the earth. *Thus, God made man a steward or manager with the authority to legally rule God’s creation.* But we are told Satan deceived them and illegally gained that authority over mankind.
That’s when sin and all forms of vices came into being. Sin, sickness, failure, death are the results of the disobedience of man which denied him of all the treasures God gave him. God has no hands in the predicament of mankind. Adam gave the original authority to the devil (Mat 4:8,9). So the devil turned the positive dominion to his advantage by dominating lives negatively through sin and oppressing them with sickness, failure, death and those who are his subjects will join him in hell.
But thanks be to God, who is rich in mercy and love. He demonstrated His love towards us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly (Rom 5:6-8). He turned the table in due time when He sent Jesus Christ (Gal 4:4). He reclaimed man’s authority and legally handed to him in a more higher dimension. So Cherished one, you now have the authority in Christ; you can exercise it over anything ungodly you see in your life because the power of God backs your authority. Exercise this authority in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and no demon or situation can withstand you. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, glory and honour, might and all power belong to You. Most High, thank You for reclaiming and restoring the authority to me. I am not powerless any more. I am full of Your power. I rule and exercise it over anything ungodly in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
◇ Enjoy A Fruitful Monday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and exercise authority over anything ungodly and establish anything godly in your life.
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