24/7 DOXA Content 2018
MONDAY, 7th May
Mark 10 vs
30.■ “But he shall receive an hundredfold NOW in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”~《KJV》
THERE is one great truth in the Bible that informs the believer of what actually comprise life on this earth. There is every indication that we have a great future where we will spend eternity with God in heaven. However, to really focus on the ultimate goal and refuse to take advantage and utilize what has been given to you presently is a great mismatch. The Bible says God has given the earth to man to fully enjoy (Psalm 115:16) . And remember, Christianity is the only place for true and best enjoyment.
In Christ, you are guaranteed joy on earth and in heaven. Joy in your life, marriage, business, ministry, finance, family, nation etc. Jesus said to the early saints “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your JOY MAY BE FULL” (John 16:24). Can your joy be complete or full on this earth? Yes, you just read from Jesus’ words. Someone may doubt “He is talking about when we go to heaven”. A big no! There is no sorrow in heaven to demand any joy. There are things God gives to His children on earth that bring joy all way round in their lives.
Beloved, there is a certain kind of blessing God gives to His saints on earth. I call it the “NOW BLESSINGS”. You must choose to enjoy that life here on earth before you are taken to heaven. Though, heaven cannot be compared to anything here on earth, it is this “place” that we rehearse our life for the after life. Peter asked Jesus and he answered him rightly in our opening scripture. Precious one, this is your time; this is your generation; this is your day and moment. Be ready and willing to enjoy all the earthly blessings God has in store for you because they are gifts from the Father. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for your blessings. Your blessing makes me rich and you add no sorrows. I enjoy all the earthly blessings You provide for me. I enjoy the cars,mansions, monies, glory,lands etc and will also dine and enjoy with you in the heavenly Kingdom in Jesus Name! Amen.
◇ Enjoy A Fruitful Monday ! ◇
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