24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 26th June
Psalm 119 vs
105.” ¶Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. ~《NKJV》
THERE is a popular hymn which says “When we walk with the Lord. In the LIGHT of His Word. What a glory He sheds on our way.” This song depicts the essence of our focus scripture such that God’s word rightly engaged will unleash His glory in your life’s journey. Every journey requires a way or a path. Every journey also requires a direction. There are many directions that lead to many different destinations. If you are on a journey with God then you need His direction. You can’t apply the rules of table tennis to football. The Bible says the whole world lies in wickedness or darkness (1 John 5:19 ). Therefore the only thing darkness fears is to engage the power of light.
For the light shines in darkness and darkness comprehends it not (John 1:5). God’s word functions as a lamp and a light which rightly guides your feet and pathways in glory. The Message Translation puts it this way ”By your words I can SEE where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path”._ Hallelujah! Many lives have been wrecked because they refused to live their lives according to the light of God’s word. *Beloved, the word of the Lord is the map that shows you every step to go in life.* Yes, it serves as a “radar” and “cardinal points” to a glorious and successful end.
If your life is not directed by the Word, anything of this world would direct you. In your business, marriage, ministry, education, finance and entire life, you need the light of God’s word to direct you. The absence of light means absence of revelation, direction, guidance and victory. You can’t afford to wallow in darkness anymore. For your victory is assured when your ways are directed by the Word. There is so much darkness in this world, engage the light of God’s word to dominate in the affairs of life. For God’s word is the only right direction for right living. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I thank You Lord for guiding my paths with Your Word. Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. I am shinning brighter unto a perfect day light. By your Word, my future is fully secured for glorious success. With the light of Your word, I will never miss Your purpose for my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen!_
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert*
Pray and engage the light and power of God’s word in every aspect of your life for glorious success.
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