24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 27th June
Luke 4 vs
36.”■Amazement came on all, and they spoke together, one with another, saying, “What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!”~《WEB》
ONE great aspect that differentiates Christianity from others is the dimension of power. I am talking about what I call the “real” and “raw” power of God. The power which is able to cause changes in a man or situations. One great man has said that _”Christianity without power is mere religion”._ There is no argument about this. Some folks think the place you are seen as powerless is the Christian arena. But the Bible never says so. *The Christian is the carrier and demonstrator of God’s power in this world.* _”For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (1 Corinthians 4:20)._ Christ in you is power content.
In our focus scripture the people saw and heard the revelation side of His words and they asked in amazement “What is this word? *They also saw the manifestation of His power of at work; For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!”* Hallelujah ! Unclean spirits won’t go out because you go to church or you are born again. *The language they understand is authority and power rightly engaged or exercised.* In the same way, sickness, failure, death and curses do not fear your degrees or connection with GOD. *But they will always bow to the manifestations the power of God in you. No occult, witch, demon or situation should play with you as if there is nothing in you.*
Beloved, when you engage the LIGHT of God’s word, you become enlightened to move to the next level, which is power for performance .Revelation should lead to the manifestations or experience of His power in our spirit, soul and body and every aspect of our life. Power in this context means dunamis, the kind of power which causes changes or miracles to happen. *Cherished one, after receiving the LIGHT or revelation of God’s word, seek to walk in the power of His word by declaring, acting and commanding situations by faith and watch every challenge fall flat.* Engage the power of the word for mighty works in your life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_By the efficacy and power of Your Powerful word, I am powerful to cause changes in aspect of my life. The power of Your word brings me mighty results. I rightly engage the power of Your word for total success and triumph over any seemingly difficulties in Jesus Name_
*◇ Enjoy A Powerful Wednesday ◇*
*Personal Prayer Alert*
_Pray and engage the power of God’s powerful word for total victory and against anything ungodlyl._
*Kindly Share with others.*
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