24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 16th December
Jeremiah 1 vs
»»»5.”Before I shaped you in the womb,I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day,I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations —that’s what I had in mind for you.” -[MSG]«« ||
ONE great preacher has said “the greatest tragedy on earth is not death, but a life without purpose”. This is a lifetime reality. Therefore God in His own wisdom made you with a purpose in mind. It is your duty to discover it. We live in a society where most of the decisions we make are largely influenced first by parents, relatives, friends and even loved ones. Well, they have their “proper roles ” to play in our lives but “first things must be put first”. If God is not the first factor to influence your decisions in life, then you are just doing trial and error”.
God created you, you didn’t evolve. You were specially planned by God. You are not a mistake. And one great and fulfilling factor that makes life worth living is living a life of purpose.Yes, God created everyone with a purpose. Adam was a custodian of God’s commands, keeper and dresser of the Lord garden, who was to walk in dominion of all that God created, but he messed up along the way. Life becomes a continuous struggle if you do not discover and walk in God’s purpose for your life.
God planned Jeremiah’s life even before he was formed in his mother’s womb. He was appointed to be “God’s envoy” to His people. Jesus proclaimed His purpose in Luke 4:18. He came to fulfill the volume of books written of Him (Psalm 40:7). Apostle Paul speaks of his own call to preach the gospel (Gal 1:15; 1 Cor 1:17). So you too have a purpose on earth. Someone is pursuing a program in school all because that was what his parent or friends chose for him. But that’s pathetic . Someone is living his father’s, uncle’s or mother’s dream or purpose without finding his own.
Well, if God led those friends and relatives, that’s great, but if it was just a “guess work”, then it’s an error. Others are pursuing a profession because of the state of the economy. Such folks find no sense of enthusiasm and fulfillment in their lives at the long run. Seek and find yours from God, for you are uniquely assigned for a unique purpose. Allow God’s Spirit to lead and guide you to your purpose. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for declaring Your Purpose for me even before You formed me in my mother’s womb. I believe I am ordained for greatness in life. Continue to lead me by Your Word and Spirit to fully fulfill my assignment in the Name of Jesus. Amen !
Enjoy A Purposeful Saturday !