24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 19th June
Luke 10 vs
17.■”Then the seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons SUBMIT TO US in your name!”.~《NET》
Demons are simply wicked evil spiritual beings, messengers or ministers of the devil who enforce the plots of Satan against people. Yes, demons are real. There is every indication to prove that most wicked and evil predicaments in this world are works of demons. However, their influence is not without limit. They don’t have the ultimate say in your life. Our opening text unveils an account where Jesus Christ anointed and sent His disciples to go and preach the Gospel. And He always gave them power over unclean spirits (demons) to cast them out (Matthew 10:1). Then these disciples returned with joy and good news saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your Name”. What a glorious statement of truth !
Demons couldn’t defeat the disciples but rather submitted to them through the Name, Jesus Christ. To submit means to arrange yourself under someone or something. *It connotes a subordinate who obeys the superior. It also involves yielding to someone’s control, advice or command.* So no matter how demons operate they have their limit. They will always submit to the Name Jesus Christ. The Name of Jesus Christ is full of power. Demons tremble at the Name. Note a remarkable revelation here; Though Jesus Christ had not died and resurrected; His Name was still powerful and performed wonders.
Therefore note that Jesus is Lord of all before, during and after His resurrection. His Name wasn’t only exalted after resurrection but was always exalted in the Heavenlies (1 Peter 1:20). His earthly death, burial and resurrection was to fulfill God’s will already done in heaven. That’s why He needed to live an obedient life here. The Name Jesus has been authorized to rule and cast out demons and any influence of the devil. Today, apply the Name in faith against anything ungodly and enjoy a glorious life; for demons cannot help but always submit to you in His Name. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Ever-Powerful Father, thank You for given me the Name above every other name. The Name is a solution Pack against demons and anything ungodly. I declare total victory against any demonic influence and manipulations in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Victorious Tuesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and declare the power of the Name against anything ungodly.
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