24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 14th April
Ephesians 2 vs
_10■”For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them..”~《KJV》_
YOU cannot cheat a Christian who knows and lives his identity in Christ. The Christian’s identity is as a result of the finished works of Christ Jesus. The death and resurrection of Jesus reproduced a particular glorious effect in the saints. And one of them is he becomes God’s workmanship or masterpiece created in Christ, not outside of Christ. A masterpiece is that which has been made by a creator. Beloved, in Christ, you have been specially made as God’s masterpiece. You are a special product that God created in Christ. And beloved, would God create “something” of less value or importance?
Would God make anything synthetic, inferior or a less quality ? Would God create you as common or powerless? Never! God is the best architecture; He doesn’t create inferior goods. He produces quality products in His nature. And you are God’s best product; the Father’s glorious “fabric”. You are His excellent “design” in Christ. Hallelujah! Accept nothing less of God’s workmanship of you. If a rich father will go any length to lavishly adorn his children, much more will your heavenly Father adorn you in so much riches, glory, honour, wealth, prosperity, righteousness, favour and influence.
The next part says that we are created unto good works. And these good works are His works. “Good” here implies something pleasant, useful, upright, distinguished and honourable. The last part of our focused text says “that we should walk in them”. Thus, we are God’s masterpiece created in Christ unto good works so that we WALK in them (not just talk about them). Cherished one, the call of God is holy, heavenly and high in nature. Therefore we are to walk in good works. All our actions, thoughts, words should pattern the good works in Christ. Anything aside this is evil work and sinful. Walk in good works as revealed in Christ so that people will see them and glorify Your Father in heaven. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_I am God’s masterpiece created in Christ unto good works. I receive much grace to walk in good works as revealed in Christ. I walk in a pleasant, distinguished, upright and honourable life in the sight of God by the power of the Spirit in me in Jesus Name. Amen!_
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Saturday in Good Works ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and receive greater empowerment to walk in good works all your lifetime._
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