24/7 DOXA Content, 11th April-CHRIST JESUS, YOUR ALL IN ALL
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 11th April
I Corinthians 1 vs
_30■”But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God-and righteousness and sanctification and redemption”~《NKJV》
AS GOOD as the written word is, its main purpose is to reveal the LIVING WORD, JESUS Christ in every believer. And our opening verse unveils this reality that Jesus has been made UNTO us (the saints) wisdom. He doesn’t just make you wise, He is your wisdom. Unless you see Him as your wisdom, you can’t pattern your deeds and words in wisdom. Because Jesus is the fountain of wisdom in which you draw your wisdom (Col 2:3). Hallelujah!
He is made unto us, righteousness. He is the righteousness of God revealed so that all through faith in Him would become righteous (Rom 5:19). *You can’t live a righteous life if Jesus is not seen as your righteousness. Because there is nothing like righteousness outside Jesus.* Jesus said “but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…”. Thus, anyone who finds the Kingdom is also entitled to the God kind of righteousness. And Christ has become our righteousness who empowers us to live right. Hallelujah
Moreover, He has become our sanctification. Yes, Jesus is your sanctification and sanctifies you. He sets you apart. No sinner could sanctify himself to God, unless He receives Jesus as One who truly sanctifies without blemish (Eph 5:27). He has also become your redemption. He hasn’t just redeemed you. He is your total redemption package. *To stay and live wise, righteous, sanctified and redeemed, you must first be conscious and acknowledge Him as the total embodiment of such things.*
*Beloved, without Jesus you have nothing and you are nothing (John 15:5). He is our all in all in this life and that which is to come.* Living in this truth will end unnecessary “struggles” to living a holy life and the disappointments that come with it. Also, it will end all boastings in self and make your boasting in Him. For “…He that glory, let him glory in the Lord (1Cor 1:31). Christ is not telling you to become “something” before you come or serve Him, but He is saying “HE HAS BECOME YOUR EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SERVE HIM”. JUST accept the truth and fully live CHRIST. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_My Blessed Lord and Father, thank You for given me Christ Jesus as my all in all. Thank You for being wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Truly, in You, I live, move and have my entire being. In you I draw my righteousness, sanctification, wisdom and redemption. So I am wise, righteous, sanctified and redeemed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen !_
*◇ Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday ! ◇*
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God’s Spirit would always empower you to live in His righteousness, wisdom, sanctification and redemption ._
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